Stories and Remembrances

Sal # 3 2007

3 Salvatore's in America #1, 2 and 3...if the family was still together in Italy they would be #2, 3 and 4. Sal is the so of Vincenzo and Immacolatta Fulchini, grandson of Salvatore and Maruia Guisseppe of Gesualdo

Chrissie (Fulchino) Mangan

Daughter of Dr Albert and Margie Fulchino, Grandaughter of Ralph and Lena Fulchino

Sal #1

Salvatore Fulchino, son of Andrew and Raffaella (Forgione) Fulchino. Andrew is the son of Salvatore Fulchini and Maria Guisseppe of Gesualdo

Dave Russo

Professional Comedian Dave Russo, son of Johnny and Rosalie (Forgione) Russo. Rosalie is the daughter of Aunt Teresa a and niece of Raffaella (Forgione) Fulchino. (

Andrew Joseph Fulchino SR.

Son of Alfred and Maria ( Giangregorio) Fulchino. Grandson to Andrew and Raffaella Fulchino ( brother  to Al Fulchino)

Rosalie Russo and Theresa Squillacioti aka ' Sister'

Rosalie Russo and Sister, daughters of Theresa (Forgione) Squillacioti. 

Irene (Cookie) Fulchino

Cookie is wife to Andrew Fulchino Sr.

Christine ( Russo) Shields

Sister to Dave and John Russo, Daughter to John and Rosalie Russo

Comedian Dave Russo

The Fulchino Connection To Elvis Presley


From the Book Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him

  Below is an excerpt from a book out that highlights part of the role that Anne Fulchino, daughter of Ralph and Lena Fulchino   ( Revere, Massachusetts), played in the life and career of Elvis Presley. I have attached    the main part concerning                  Anne is on this page 

Book Excerpt:
Baby, Let's Play House:
                Noted Journalist Explores How Presley's Relationships With Women                  Affected His Life and Music
                January 8, 2010; Written by Alanna Nash
                Editor's note: Friday (Jan. 8) marks the 75th anniversary of Elvis                  Presley's birth. Coinciding with the date, It Books this week                  released Baby, Let's Play House: Elvis Presley and the Women Who                  Loved Him. Written by noted music journalist Alanna Nash, it explores                  his relationships with women and how they influenced his music                  and life. Courtesy of It Books, the following excerpt, a chapter                  titled "Love Times Three," delves into Presley's life                  in 1956 just as his career was reaching new heights. For more                  information about the book, visit the publisher's Web site.


Elvis was scheduled to appear on The Steve                  Allen Show on July 1, 1956, but two weeks before, the variety                  show host announced that the pressure to cancel the hip-wiggling                  sensation had been so strong that if Elvis did appear, he "will                  not be allowed any of his offensive tactics."

Allen, a savvy show business veteran, considered                  the controversy "a piece of good luck," he said later.                  All the media hype and attention "worked to our advantage,"                  and Elvis was never really in danger of being canceled.

The host, who was also a comedian, jazz                  musician, writer, actor, poet, and television pioneer, had tuned                  in Stage Show one night, where he saw "this tall, gangly,                  kind of goofy-looking but cute, offbeat kid." He only caught                  two minutes of him, but "I could see he had something, [and]                  made a note to our people to 'book that kid.' I didn't even know                  his name."

Partly to capitalize on the outrage over                  Elvis's movements on The Milton Berle Show, Allen scratched his                  head for a different way to spotlight him and also keep his movements                  contained. As he recalled nearly forty years later, "I personally                  came up with the two ideas that made Elvis look so good that night                  -- the singing 'Hound Dog' to an actual dog, and the Range Roundup                  sketch with Andy Griffith and Imogene Coca," the latter of                  which was a spoof on the Ozark Jubilee, the Grand Ole Opry, and                  Elvis's barn dance home, the Louisiana Hayride.

Some of Elvis's fans were offended at the                  notion of their idol singing to a live basset hound. But Elvis                  took it all in stride, even agreeing to be ?tted for a tuxedo                  (the twitchy basset would wear a top hat) for the occasion.

At the morning rehearsal on June 29, Elvis                  became reacquainted with Al Wertheimer, a young photographer only                  slightly older than Elvis who had photographed him during his                  ?fth Stage Show appearance. RCA's Anne Fulchino had hired the                  German emigre as part of her dedication to making Elvis a huge                  pop phenomenon.

With no budget for publicity -- or certainly                  nothing like the $200 or $300 a day Columbia Records paid freelance                  shutterbugs -- she'd gone in search of "talented, hungry                  kids who'd work cheap," striking a deal in which the photographers                  were free to shop their pictures and make a few bucks once she'd                  ?nished her campaign. That's the way she worked with Wertheimer.

She picked him over a temperamental photographer                  she'd originally considered because Al, a quiet, laid-back, easygoing                  person, "had the right personality" to shadow the singer                  in close quarters and a variety of circumstances. "I also                  knew he could handle the Colonel."

She made the right choice. After late 1956,                  Parker lowered an iron curtain around Elvis, restricting media                  access to only a handful of carefully orchestrated events. Before                  that happened, Wertheimer, a night person like Elvis, would travel                  with him for a week, shooting some 3,800 frames, all unposed and                  in natural light, to chronicle both his professional and personal                  life -- onstage, backstage, in the recording studio, at home with                  his parents and friends, and on the road with his fans.

No other photographer would capture such                  startlingly intimate moments or chronicle such an important phase                  of Elvis's career. The resulting photos, elegant, eloquent, and                  iconic, "were probably the ?rst and the last look at the                  day-to-day life of Elvis Presley," Wertheimer has written.                  "I was a reporter whose pen was a camera."

While RCA needed images that promoted Elvis                  as an explosive young singer on the rise, Wertheimer had another                  agenda. "Basically I was covering the story because Elvis                  made the girls cry, and I couldn't understand what he had that                  was that powerful, that brought all that raw emotion to the surface."

As Fulchino predicted, Al was so unobtrusive                  and good at his job that many of the people who surrounded Elvis                  hardly knew he was there. And Elvis himself enjoyed being documented,                  allowing closeness that embarrassed even the photographer, particularly                  for an image Wertheimer calls The Kiss, a brief encounter between                  Elvis and a fan in the stairway of the Mosque Theatre in Richmond,                  Virginia.

According to Wertheimer, Diane Keaton,                  the actress and photographer, has called it "the sexiest                  picture ever taken in the whole world."..............................

Full story here

Jerff Fulchino Mowing Then Down

Jeff Fulchino

Follow The Ball

More Jeff Fulchino

Andrew (Poppy) Fulchino and his unlicensed liquor business during Prohibition

Back during Prohibition the story is told...Poppy (Andrew Fulchino) needed to make some extra money, so he brewed beer to sell. One day Officer Pecker (yes that was his name) came by and said Andrew, I know  what you are doing, but I will look the other way as long as when I walk my route on Sunday I can come up and enjoy a Sunday pasta dinner with you....and so it went :) they had a deal.